Not all walkways and patios are created equal. With so many styles, patterns and colors of patio pavers available on the market today, it can be overwhelming for a homeowner to decide what is best for their house. At Rye Beach Landscaping, we don’t just drop off a brochure or let you pick something out of a paver display. Our patio design consultant will meet with you at your house and make recommendations for the best walkway or patio paver to meet your needs. Our crews have installed thousands of square feet of pavers from a wide variety of manufacturers over the years. We are not bound to any one particular brand or manufacturer.
Design opportunities. Concrete pavers are compatible with most homes – even newly built colonials. The colors of modern pavers are designed to blend with color of most New England homes. Concrete pavers provide accent opportunities like paver quilting, banding, or circle patterns that can accentuate larger patio areas. As for durability, concrete pavers have a compressive strength of over 8,000 PSI – over twice the strength of a poured concrete garage floor. Many paver brands today come with a lifetime material warranty.
Traditional paver design. With so many antique homes on the New Hampshire seacoast, we recognize the value in using clay brick and natural stone in order to maintain the historical integrity of the home’s architecture. Our fascination with rescuing old stone and antique paving material afforded us the opportunity to rebuild two of the oldest walkways in Portsmouth New Hampshire – Haymarket Square and Washington Street. While the pattern styles and colors may be limited, there is nothing like the richness and antiquity of natural paving stones.
A walkway is only as good as what’s underneath it. Regardless of the style of paver you choose for your walkway or patio, the way that it is built and the proper materials used to install it determines how long a patio or walkway will last in New Hampshire. As ICPI certified paver installers, our walkway and patio installation crew knows about the factors that affect the stability of paver installations. For example, if the soil on-site is wet or prone to saturation, a geo-textile membrane will be installed between subsoil and gravel base to prevent contamination of the free draining compactable base material. You only get one chance to do it right – and it’s a lot of work to do it over!